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Is there a simple solution to online privacy and limiting surveillance capitalism?

Since Cambridge Analytica heightened awareness of the value of personal data and its potential to be misused many have looked to protect personal privacy while preserving innovation. Technology solutions such as ad-blocking and intelligent tracking protection and regulatory solutions in the form of GDPR and CCPA have given new rights to citizens while attempting to limit data collection. These efforts have yielded benefits but have not significantly changed the collection and misuse of data.

It's been two years. How is GDPR doing?

Two years ago on May 25, 2018 the EU enacted the groundbreaking General Data Protection Regulation. They recently published a two year review of the law to understand its impact. Some highlights: Rules across member states and cooperation between them is still a work in process which has limited the law’s effectiveness to date. Data protection authorities have seen increased budgets but are still likely underfunded. EU citizens are increasingly aware of #GDPR.